Saturday, January 1, 2011

Looking Forward ....

Well it is a new year, and everyone is making their resolutions and goals to accomplish. I on the other hand have not even started to think about this. It would be a good thing to do, but I don't even know where to start.

I have had some idea that have been on my mind lately. One of the biggest things that has been bugging the heck out of me for awhile now is finishing school. I started taking classes online at University of Phoenix in information systems/networking. I have completed about a little over a quarter of the course. recently I have been thinking, "is this the right choice? Is this really what I want to do?" To this day I am still not sure. I have been thinking about switching to something else, but what? I do not know.

This is one of my major focuses right now. I want to be in a job that I like, that will make me happy everyday. I want a job that will be secure and benefit my family in the future. I know I cannot stay in the Air Force forever. That is why this is a priority of mine. I need to find out what I want to do as a future job.

It is important for me right now that I start looking towards the future and stop looking on the past. I need to be able to provide for my family better and make better dicisions in the future that will not hurt in the long run. One of those is where are we as a family going to settle done after we are done with the Air Force? That one is always constantly changing. I still feel the pull to settle down in Utah for some reason, I also have a feeling it will be somewhere else.

It will be a good thing to start making goals that are obtainable. It is something that I will recomend to everyone. I think the best part of it will be the feeling of accomplishment. The reason that I bring this up, is that for most of my life I have always had plans to do things, but never follow through on them. I think by making goals and actually having a set date to accomplish them by will give me a harder push on obtaining them. This is what I am going to work on this year. I am going to encourage my wife to do the same.

Well I think that is it for this post. I look forward to writting the next one.
